de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2007). Purple-faced Leaf Monkey – Sri Lanka Through A Lens. Synergy. January-February 2007. Page 53. Volume 3, Issue 5. ISSN 1391-9385.
Wildlife & Tourism celebrity Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne takes a photographer’s look at Sri Lanka
Purple-faced Leaf Monkey
The Purple-faced Leaf Monkey is one of three diurnal (day-time) primates found in Sri Lanka. Of the three diurnal primates two are endemic. The Toque Monkey and the Purple-faced Leaf Monkey. The latter is also one of the twenty five most endangered primates in the world. Remarkably, this species can even be seen in the outskirts of Colombo at sites such as the Talangama Wetland.
The western race of the leaf monkey which is seen in and near Colombo is critically endangered. Its future is under-mined each day as people fell trees when they develop lands for housing. People can ensure a future for these remarkable primates by leaving fruiting trees in their gardens and using flat roofs without tiles which can withstand monkeys leaping on them.

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