Andrew Simpson


Andrew Simpson

Thank you for arranging such a memorable tour for us. All of the arrangements worked perfectly from the moment we were met by Lasantha to the time we were dropped off at the airport to come home. We enjoyed all of the hotels, the food was mouth watering and a real experience for us to sample the local dishes, and the accommodation was always first rate. We particularly enjoyed being at St Andrews and learning more about the Jetwing ethos.

Lasantha was an excellent guide and we learnt a great deal from him about the history, culture and wildlife of Sri Lanka and the tour was just the right balance between the different aspects. His knowledge of the birds and his quick eyes enabled us to see far more than we could have expected. We will never forget the safaris that he and the driver took us on at Yala as they took the time to let us just sit and watch the birds and animals. To see the elephants at a water hole with their young and to watch them interact with each other, to watch crocodiles stalking water buffalo and catching frogs and to see leopards in the trees and wandering off into the bush was just amazing. I have so many photos that I have not had a chance to look at them all yet!

Lasantha was so calm and patient, and conscious of our needs that we were able to relax in his company and enjoy the whole experience. You have a beautiful country with such a diverse culture and wildlife, we are delighted that you are recovering from the difficult times you have had and feel enriched from having spent time with you.  Many, many thanks to you and Lasantha for making such a wonderful time possible.  We shall certainly be recommending Sri Lanka and Jetwing to all our friends!