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LONDON AND SRI LANKA: TWO WILDLIFE RICH DESTINATIONS FRIDAY 29TH JULY 2016, 6PM Sri Lanka is richer for its wildlife than is generally realised. London, arguably the greatest capital city in the world, is also surprisingly rich for wildlife and has outstanding visitor infrastructure. This talk reiterates why Sri Lanka … Continue reading "Wildlife Talk by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne"
Sri Lanka is one of the best places in the world to watch Asian elephants in the wild. There are a number of National Parks where these gentle giants can be watched in their natural splendor. The Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus maximus) in Sri Lanka is one of the 3 recognized subspecies along with the … Continue reading "Sri Lankan Elephant"
The Fishing Cat is a medium sized cat that is widespread across Sri Lanka. It was globally classified as an endangered species by the IUCN in 2008. Description: This cat can be identified by the its olive green grey coat which has dark spots in horizontal streaks running across the length of its body. Its … Continue reading "Fishing Cat"
The Grey Slender Loris is a small nocturnal primate that is found in Sri Lanka and India. The Sri Lankan variant is divided into two subspecies Northern Sri Lankan Slender Loris Highland Slender Loris Description: The Grey Slender Loris is about the size of a chipmunk, with long, pencil-thin arms and legs. It is between 6-10 … Continue reading "Grey Slender Loris"
The Jungle Cat is a medium sized cat that is native to the Asian region. The jungle cat found in Sri Lanka is one of the 9 recognized sub species. Description: Somewhat larger than domestic cats, jungle cats range from 55 to 94 cm in length, plus a relatively short 20 to 31 cm tail, and … Continue reading "Jungle Cat"
Sea turtles have been in the tropical and sub-tropical waters in the world over million years. They were strong enough to survive during this lengthy period of time while many of their contemporaries become extinct. Out of seven species of sea turtles the leatherback is the largest. Other species are loggerhead, kemps ridley, hawksbill, Oliver … Continue reading "Marine Turtles and Elephants in Sri Lanka"
Sri Lankan Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus inornatus) The Sloth Bear is a nocturnal insectivorous species of bear found wild within the Indian subcontinent. The population isolated in Sri Lanka is considered as a subspecies. Description: Unlike brown and black bears, sloth bears have lankier builds, long shaggy coats that form a mane around the face, long sickle shaped claws, and … Continue reading "Sloth Bear"

The Blue Whale is a marine mammal and is the largest animal to have ever lived on our planet. Mirissa in the South and Trincomalee in North-east Sri Lanka rank as the world’s top spots for watching Blue Whales. Description: The blue whale has a long tapering body that appearsstretched in comparison with the stockier build … Continue reading "Blue Whale"
The Sri Lanka Blue Magpie is a member of the crow family, which lives in the rainforests and highlands of Sri Lanka and is one of the island’s 33 endemic species. Description: The Sri Lanka Blue Magpie is around the same size as the European Magpie at 42-47cm, the adults are bright blue with chestnut … Continue reading "Sri Lankan Blue Magpie"