Primates of Sri Lanka
Nekaris, A. and de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2009) Primates of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. 152 pages. Electronic Edition.The text is by Dr Anna Nekaris, one of the leading primatologists in the world. She has engaged in field work in Sri Lanka which has led to a better understanding and a greater awareness of the island’s primates. The first part of the book is a general introduction to primates written with a lay audience in mind. The second part of the book draws from the scientific literature what is presently known about each of the species and sub-species. The photography is by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne who has spent many years taking some remarkable portraits of primates in the wild. The lavish use of images, beautiful design and authoritative text makes for an attractive and instructive book which will further the cause of primate conservation.