
de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2009). The Leopard’s Island. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. e Edition. 8 pages. A4.
The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) Edition is expanded with more text boxes and an itinerary. An 8 page brochure providing information on one of the best places in the world in which to see and photograph the elusive leopard. An easy reference guide which provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on Leopard Safaris.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2008). Sri Lanka National Parks and Reserves. 2nd Edition. Sri Lanka Tourism: Colombo. 56 pages. Hardback. ISBN 955-107914-0. A fifty six page overview of the key sites for eco-tourism in Sri Lanka with brief details on logistics. Lavishly illustrated with colour photographs and laid out in a coffee table book style to be used as a marketing tool as well as an introduction to Sri Lanka’s wilderness areas

Nekaris, A. and de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2009) Primates of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. 152 pages. Electronic Edition.The text is by Dr Anna Nekaris, one of the leading primatologists in the world. She has engaged in field work in Sri Lanka which has led to a better understanding and a greater awareness of the island’s primates. The first part of the book is a general introduction to primates written with a lay audience in mind. The second part of the book draws from the scientific literature what is presently known about each of the species and sub-species. The photography is by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne who has spent many years taking some remarkable portraits of primates in the wild. The lavish use of images, beautiful design and authoritative text makes for an attractive and instructive book which will further the cause of primate conservation.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, Gehan. (Ed.) (2004). Leopards & other Wildlife of Yala. Compiled & Edited by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne. Photography by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne. A Jetwing Publication: Colombo. 232 pages. 22 cm x 25 cm. ISBN 955 – 1079 – 00 – 0.This book combines the design element and strong visual focus of a coffee table book with authoritative text from some of Sri Lanka’s leading wildlife writers. The thirteen contributors cover a variety of topics from Leopards, Elephants, smaller mammals, birds, butterflies and dragonflies to plant life and conservation. The book is a useful introduction not only to Yala but also to the wildlife of the other parks and reserves in Sri Lanka’s dry lowlands.
“A visually stunning and beautifully designed book with many fabulous photos and a wide range of readable articles on Sri Lanka’s lowland wildlife. This book fills a notable void in the literature and is a brilliant introduction to one of the finest parks in Asia, Yala National Park”.
Nigel Redman, Publisher and Editor (Christopher Helm and A&C Black, UK)”This book stands as a comprehensive and stimulating volume, that you will return to time and time again”
Renuka Sadanandan, Deputy Editor, Sunday Times

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2008). Sri Lanka Wildlife Itineraries: A Guide for Eco Travellers. 1st Edition. Sri Lanka Tourism: Colombo. 34 pages. 26.5 x 21 cm. Softback. ISBN 978-955-1079-17-8. Photography and body text by Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne. Itineraries by Ajanthan Shantiratnam, Aruni Hewage and Nirusha Ranjitkumar.
This beautifully illustrated and designed book contains overview information for visitors together with a selection of itineraries. The itineraries for elephants, leopards, birds, butterflies, dragonflies, rainforests, etc cover the key groups which are of interest to eco travellers.

de Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2010). The Gathering of Elephants. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. e Edition. 8 pages. A4.
The Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau (SLTPB) Edition is expanded with more text boxes and an itinerary. An 8 page brochure providing information on one of the most awesome wildlife spectacles in the world, The Gathering of Elephants in Minneriya, Sri Lanka. An easy reference guide which provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on The Gathering.

De Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2010). Sri Lanka: The Ultimate Island Safari. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. e Edition. 16 pages. A4.
A case is made to position Sri Lanka as the Ultimate Island Safari. Short descriptions on Best for Blue Whale, The Gathering of Elephants, Leopard’s Island, Monkey Business, Sinharaja Bird Wave, Bio-diversity Hot Spot, etc. Also provides information to frequently asked questions on where to go, where to stay, how to plan a tour, etc

De Silva Wijeyeratne, G. (2011). Sri Lanka: The Best for Big Game Outside Africa. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Colombo. e Edition. 16 pages. A4.
Explains why the small island of Sri Lanka is the best for Big Game Safaris outside Africa. The article discusses a framework for choosing charismatic animals as a target species for big game safaris and examines what is available in the different continents and why in the final analysis it is a choice between India and Sri Lanka.